Thursday, January 3, 2013

Birthday Toast

What else could be the first tolkienist event of a year, but the Birthday Toast at 21:00 on the 3rd of January?
Yes, there are not many people on this picture. No, the others are not only hiding from the camera.

The explanation is that our biggest event for the general public in every year is the Long Expected Party to celebrate Tolkien's birthday, but, of course, this event usually takes place at the nearest weekend, even if the actual birthday is a weekday. We always make the Birthday Toast together at the end of the L.E.P., and are busy with the preparations on the days before, so we normally do not organise any official meeting for the 3rd of January: everybody makes the toast privately with those who happen to be around them in the right time. But this year, in the last minute, so actually around noon on that Thursday, somebody said that we could be the people being around for each other, so a facebook event was made some eight hours before its start, and it became reality with six participants in the pub where we usually make our absolutely unofficial monthly pub meetings.

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