Saturday, May 25, 2013

Tolkien Klub

There is an official monthly meeting called Tolkien Klub, which was "reinvented" in the autumn of 2011 after a longer break (so long, that I have only heard stories of the old version being a newbie from 2008). The main organisers are choosen for a full schoolyear and they recruit the leaders of the actual programs for each occasion.
The average program of a Tolkien Klub in this season contained serious tolkienist converastions (about topics like Hungarian Tolkien translations, Hobbit movies or warfare in Middle-Earth), board games (long strategic ones, like Middle-Earth Quest) and card games (for example the not-so-tolkienic but very popular Munchkin)...

 ...creative workshops ("Shrink Plastic Art", embroidery or painting of... hmm, these miniatures for tabletop wargaming which I am not sure how to call in English) and roleplaying game (simple homemade system, Middle-Earth setting, given characters) with opportunities for swapping of books, chatting with friends, buying Lassi Laurie magazines and eating a lot of toast, chocolate and home-made cakes. There are sometimes also seasonal specialities like dance classes for our Carnival Ball (which I failed to tell you about) or the celebration of the society's birthday (which I hope to tell you about later).

The number of participants is around twenty in average, but sometimes (especially after big events or for special occasions) there can be much more. Of course the Klub has its own type of visitors: gamers, newcomers, people who go for every event and others who can afford (in time or money or bravery to meet strangers) only this (being a half-day program in the capital for free).

This spring I could spend longer time only on three of these Tolkien Klubs: in February I met for first (and until now the last) time with the game Middle-Earth Quest which was quite suitable, leaving enough time for going around while other people did their part in the game; in May I spoke a lot about the Second Prophecy of Mandos (this was meant to be the "conversation", but I had only a few listeners and quite passive ones, so it became more like a lecture, especially because my notes were prepared in this way); and I plan a separate post about June. (I won't promise I'll actually write it.)

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